Motörhead – ”The Lemmy”

Whisky & Cola - 33cl can

Motörhead Whisky & Cola had its’ worldwide premier in 250 grocery K-Group stores all over Finland on April 1, 2019 and is highly anticipated by both Motörhead fans and people who, just like Lemmy, just happen to love their whiskey and cola. 

This long drink, sold in black 33 centiliter cans, is based on the Motörhead Whisky, released in 2015 to celebrate 40 years of eardrum crushing. In other words – this long drink has Lemmy’s spirit floating all over it.

Following the Motörhead brand guidelines made the black solid base an easy choice. The red ”Ace of Spades” symbol was also a playful way to add the cola flavor.

This assignment also involved the design of troughs, multi-packs and advertising material. All in the same line as the product.

Lifestyle photography by Joel Wåreus.


  • Graphic Design
  • Package Design